Onboarding Cohort One Members Soon

Explore the platform

Our platform sets us apart. Unprecedented insight into project fundamentals, traction and performance.

The new standard.

Packed with data. Powered by AI. Get new levels of insight into projects during raises and way beyond.

Community traction

At a glance data showing marketing effectiveness and community traction - plus clear understanding of support from KOLs and partners.

Dev velocity

Browse roadmaps and get transparent understanding of each team's pace of delivery.

Ask me anything - literally

Type any question into the Command Bar, and get an instant AI-powered answer about projects.

Meet ZERO.

Introducing ZERO. The Bionic community's guide, host and concierge.

She's Bionic

ZERO is our synthetic avatar - she'll be there right the way through your journey as a member of the community.

Your concierge

From the start of onboarding she'll be there to help, explain and host. She's your AI companion all the way through your journey as a member of the community.

Know it all

She knows it all. Trained on all aspects of the Bionic DAO platform and mission, and all our projects, Zero is here to help.

Ready to join?

Onboarding of Cohort One starts in Q2 2024.

Join Discord for announcements and updates

We'll always release the latest updates in Discord first

For What Comes Next