Onboarding Cohort One Members Soon

Become an investor

Join the members-only community where the most impactful investors connect with and accelerate Web3’s most ambitious ideas.

How to join

Onboarding of Cohort One starts in Q2 2024.



Not everyone will be accepted. We're looking for serious investors who want to belong to a community long-term.



Accepted members onboard, mint their Bionic NFT, and can access the platform and private Discord areas.



We'll launch with several projects, and members will be able to invest in incredible opportunities right from the start.

Join Discord for announcements and updates

We'll always release the latest updates in Discord first

Our focus

Our community invests in projects that bring Web3 together with other emerging technologies.

The fabric of reality is about to change quickly, and the surface area for software is going to become radically larger, evolving our everyday experience.


Extended Reality

We believe we are on the cusp of a radical acceleration of science and human knowledge, and we will see a fragmentation of traditional control mechanisms of this process.


Decentralized Science

We believe that intelligence is a new compute primitive that will rapidly reshape how we live, work and play - and what it means to be human.


Artificial Intelligence

We believe in the emergence of the network state. There's a revolution coming, and the pace of change will never be this slow again.


Next-Gen Infrastructure

We like being early

Our network and deal-flow partnerships provide access to the best early stage investments in each of these areas.

Access the best

We've built relationships with some of the biggest blockchain networks to get access to exclusive allocations in cutting edge projects on the biggest chains.

Access them early

Our deals are typically early stage in seed or private rounds, giving our investors the chance to get in before public launch alongside VCs and bigger funds.

Ready to join?

Onboarding of Cohort One starts in Q2 2024.

Join Discord for announcements and updates

We'll always release the latest updates in Discord first

For What Comes Next